Monday, January 4, 2010


At my previous post  ( ), i'd mentioned a local fish from my island, that we named it "KURAW" or "KOORAW".
I wonder if this fish could be find in other country, 'coz i never saw any article about this "KURAW" from other places.

This fish is one of the most wanted for many anglers in my island. Even i never get it striked for myself. Just saw my friend, who always be with me at most trips, cought it twice. The first one just a 3kg, and the next is 4,8kg. I heard it could be at 20kg at max. Rivers in my hometown are salt. So it's salt water fish. The bigger cought of these "KURAW" are always at the opened sea by local fisherman. It's a fiery predator, loves to strike for "BELANAK" ( our local minnow ).

My friend used his DAIWA Appollo and Pioner 4000, with 0.32mm Pioner line, and a prown as live bait. That's a clear day. Water was clear to, with 6-7 metres depth. Then about 05:30pm his rod bent for a great striked. He fought carefully because as my senior angler, he knows what is on his hook. He fought for the "KURAW" for 20 minutes.

We didn't bring our phones, so we took the pictures when we got to his home. We put it on a scale, it was 4,8kg. This is the picture of my friend, Panjang, with the "KURAW".

This is the spot we get the "KURAW", the DOMPAK River. Man in the photo is my friend in the previous picture above.

Please visit my fishing shop at :

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