Friday, January 1, 2010

How To Fight With Rays

Rays have different anatomy with common fishes. They swim horizontaly, make them can be stickking on the ground. Rays mostly could be find in waters with sandy seabed. When the strike is on, they'll swim opposite direction to escape.

This is where you should cut the tail off

When we pull our rod and starting to rolling back, it dives deeper and suck on the seabed. For newbees, maybe you'll keep pulling your rod to make the ray breake away, so you can roll your line. But this just make your line tensed-up, and sometimes the mouth of the ray could be ripped.
So, the best way is just hold your rod still, let the tip of your rod "plays" by itself. The vibration from the end of tip will make the ray unmounted by itself. When it happends, that's when you pull your rod back and roll-up your line. Repeat this way when it stick again at the seabed, until you get it to the surface.
And the most important thing when it's near the surface, stay a distance from it's tail. Cut the tail of before you release your hook.

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